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Club Polices

As a member of Richard’s Trampoline Club you are expected to abide by the following club rules. These rules are set out so we can offer all members the opportunity to have fun, whilst learning in a safe and happy environment.
• All members must at all times participate within the rules and respect coaches, judges and their decisions.
• All members must respect opponents and fellow club members. Bullying and unacceptable behaviour will not be tolerated.
• No bouncing on the trampolines without the supervision of a suitable qualified British Gymnastics Trampoline coach.
• Members should keep to agreed timings for training and competitions or inform their coach, if they are going to be late.
• Suitable sports clothing must be worn, this includes spotters. Socks or trampoline shoes must be worn when on the trampoline. Jeans or tracksuits with toggles on them are not suitable sports clothes. Long hair must be securely tied back.
• Remove all body jewellery this applies to spotters also. Coaches will not be held responsible for jewellery or valuables it is therefore advisable to leave them at home.
• Do not attempt any new moves without the consent of your coach, or any double bouncing.
• Fees should be paid on the first week of each month and are non-returnable. Holiday and absences cannot be carried over.
• Inform the coach if you wish to leave the trampoline area. Whilst waiting for your turn, make sure you are standing watching the trampoline.
• No bouncing on the trampolines without an adequate amount of spotters. Spotters must be standing up, paying attention at all times and not sitting on the mats.
• Members must not smoke, consume alcohol or take drugs of any kind during training or whilst representing the club at competitions or other events.
• Members should treat all equipment with respect.
• At no time should anyone go underneath a trampoline, swing on the sides of the trampoline or run around the trampoline area.
• Any injuries, illness or disabilities must be reported to your coach at the beginning of the session, before starting the warm-up.
• Attention must be paid at all times to your coach.
• Food and drink must be kept away from the trampoline area, ensuring all rubbish is placed in the bin. Chewing gum is not allowed.
• Members must not use bad language.
• Members should remain inside the centre at the end of a session until collected by their parent/guardian. 

We are fully committed to safeguarding and promoting the well being of all our members. The club believes it is important that all members, coaches, officials and parents associated with the club should, at all times, show respect and understanding for the safety and welfare of others. The clubs aim is for all members to have fun, whilst learning in a safe and happy environment. These rules are set to help us achieve our aims.
• Encourage your child to learn the rules and participate within them.
• Do not distract your child whilst they are trampolining. If you wish to speak with a coach this needs to be at the beginning or end of the lesson.
• Discourage challenging / arguing with coaches / officials.
• Publicly accept coaches / officials’ judgements.
• Help your child to recognise good performance, not just results.
• Set a good example by recognising good sportsmanship and applauding the good performances of all.
• Never force your child to take part in sport.
• Always ensure your child is dressed appropriately for the activity and has plenty to drink. This includes removing all jewellery and body piercings.
• Keep the club informed if your child is ill or unable to attend sessions. Your child’s place maybe forfeited if they do not attend for 3 weeks, without informing the coach first.
• Endeavour to establish good communications with the club, coaches and officials for the benefit of all.
• Share any concerns or complaints about any aspect of the club through the appropriate channels.
• Use correct and proper language at all times.
• Never punish or belittle a child for poor performance or making mistakes.
• Always collect your child promptly at the end of a session.
• Support your child’s involvement and help them to enjoy their sport.
• Any concerns about child welfare, inside or outside of the club, should be reported directly to the Club Welfare Officer

The essence of good ethical conduct and practise is summarised below. All Club Coaches, judges and officials must adhere to the following guidelines.
• Ensure you’re satisfied with the safety of the training venue and equipment, before commencing any training session. Reporting any concerns immediately to the Club Manager.
• Consider the well-being and safety of participants before the development of performance
• Develop an appropriate working relationship with performers based on mutual trust and respect
• Hold the appropriate, valid qualifications and insurance cover
• Make sure all activities are appropriate to the age, ability and experience of those taking part and ensure all participants are suitably prepared physically and mentally when learning new skills
• Display consistently high standards of behaviour and appearance, dressing suitably and not using inappropriate language at any time whilst involved with club activities
• Never consume alcohol immediately before or during training or events
• Obtain prior agreement from the parent/guardian of performers before transporting them anywhere (training/competitions)
• Never have performers stay overnight at your home
• Never exert undue influence over performers to obtain personal benefit or reward
• Always report any concerns about child welfare, inside or outside of the club, directly to the Club Welfare Officer, before speaking to any child, parent, coach, judge or official that’s potentially involved.
• Never condone rule violations or use of prohibited substances
• Make sure that confidential information is not divulged unless with the express approval of the individual concerned
• Promote the positive aspects of the sport (e.g. fair play)
• Encourage performers to value their performances and not just results
• Follow all guidelines and policies laid down by British Gymnastics and Richard’s Trampoline Club 

Richard’s Trampoline Club is committed to ensuring that those working with children and vulnerable adults adopt best practice to ensure the health, safety and welfare of the participants, coaches and officials. Any concerns about child welfare, inside or outside of the club, should be reported directly to the Club Welfare Officer.
The club will endeavour to promote the highest standards of care for all members, coaches and officials by:
• Ensuring that there is no unauthorised photography and videoing during training and events. This includes the use of mobile phone cameras.
• Having a zero tolerance level of poor practice, bullying or any potential form of abuse.
• The adoption of the BG Health, Safety and Welfare guidelines.
• The adoption of the BG guidelines for the Protection of Children and Vulnerable adults.
• The appointment of a Welfare Officer (Child Protection Officer) to whom grievances or complaints can be made confidentially.
• Ensuring that staffs are suitably trained in Child Protection and Health, Safety and Welfare issues.
• Ensuring that coaches and officials have been screened to confirm their suitability to work with children. Where appropriate this will include Criminal Record Bureau disclosure.
• Ensuring that best coaching practice guidelines are followed at all times.
• Ensuring that grievances or complaints are dealt with promptly and in accordance with the grievance procedures.
• Ensuring that a minimum of two responsible adults is present at all training sessions or events.
• Any Child Welfare concerns will be treated with full confidentiality, with information only being passed on to the necessary people required to deal with the concern.
Please contact your coach if you require this policy in large print, Braille or in another language.  

Bullying will not be accepted or condoned within Richard’s Trampoline Club. Members, parents, coaches, judges and officials all must work together to stop bullying. All forms of bullying will be addressed.
The club will ensure that everyone involved within the club, adheres to the following principles:
• Respect for everyone’s need to learn in an environment where safety, security, praise, recognition and opportunity for taking responsibility.
• Respect every individual’s feelings and views.
• Recognise that everyone is important, and that our differences make each of us special.
• Show appreciation of others by acknowledging individual qualities, contributions and progress.
• Anyone reporting an incident of bullying will be listened to carefully, and will be supported.
• Anyone being bullied will be supported, and assistance given, to uphold their right to learn and develop in a safe environment which allows them to reach their potential.
• Bullying can include – Physical pushing, kicking, hitting, pinching, name calling, sarcasm, spreading rumours, persistant teasing and emotional torment through ridicule, humiliation, continual ignoring of individuals, racial taunts, graffiti, gestures, sexual comments and unwanted physical contact. None of this behaviour will be tolerated within the club.  


All minor complaints or grievances applying to training or behaviour of members should in the first instance be addressed by speaking with the coach in charge of your child’s group. Should the complainant not be satisfied with the response from the coach, then the complaint should be addressed by speaking to the Head coach of the session.
All major complaints or grievances applying to training or behaviour of members should in the first instance be addressed in writing to, or speaking with, the Head coach of the session. Should the complainant not be satisfied with the response from the head coach of the session, then the complaint should be further submitted in writing to the Club Manager in an envelope marked private and confidential.
The executive officers of the club will meet to hear complaints within 14 days of the complaint being received by the Club Manager. The executive officers have the power to take appropriate disciplinary action, including the termination of membership.
The outcome of the disciplinary hearing will be placed in writing to the person who lodged the complaint, and the member against whom the complaint was made within 7 days of the hearing.
There will be the right of appeal to the executive officers following disciplinary action being announced. The executive officers should consider the appeal within 14 days of the appeal being received and will notify the complainant of the outcome of the appeal hearing within 7 days of the hearing. The executive officers decision on the appeal will be the final decision on the complaint.


All complaints or grievances applying to child protection or welfare issues should in the first instance be reported to the Club Welfare Officer.
The Welfare Officer will then look into the complaint, in accordance with NSPCC and British Gymnastics child protection procedures and make a note of the outcome. If the child is considered to be in immediate danger, the case will be referred directly to the police.
The Welfare Officer may report to the Executive Officers that a complaint has been made, but MAY NOT disclose the nature of the complaint or the names of the people involved.
Should the complainant not be satisfied with the response from the Club’s Welfare Officer, they can pass the complaint onto –
The Regional Welfare Officer – Details for the current Eastern Region's welfare officer can be found here - 
And if still not satisfied –
British Gymnastics Ethics and Welfare Department on 0345 1297129 or for further information follow the link above.
Please contact your coach if you require this policy in large print, Braille or in another language.

Richard’s Trampoline Club is committed to exemplary standards of conduct through the principles of equality and good moral and ethical frameworks.
The club will encourage individuals from all communities to become involved at all levels of participation, coaching, officiating and management. Any concerns about welfare, inside or outside of the club, should be reported directly to the Club Welfare Officer.
The club will ensure that all members and staff adhere to the following equality principles.
• All persons must respect the rights, dignity and worth of every human being.
• All individuals must be treated fairly and equally regardless of gender, age, ethnic origin, religion or political persuasion or disability.
• Equality must permeate throughout strategic and development plans.
• An equal professional service will be provided for all participants and discrimination through race, gender or disability will not be tolerated.
• Sexual and racial harassment and discrimination will be prohibited.
• Any equality concerns will be treated with full confidentiality, with information only being passed on to the necessary people required to deal with the concern.
Please contact your coach if you require this policy in large print, Braille or in another language. 

This is to confirm that Richard’s Trampoline Club has adopted the British Gymnastics Health, Safety and Welfare Policy.       

British Gymnastics Health, Safety amd Welfare Policy                                               

At Richard’s Trampoline Club we take your privacy seriously and will ensure your personal information is kept secure. We provide gymnastics activities and are registered with the Eastern Counties Gymnastics Association and British Gymnastics who govern the sport and offer competitions and events in which we may participate.
How we use information about you
We need to process information about you or your child for the following reasons:

• Contractual purposes
To provide the gymnastics activity you have requested, communicate with you about this activity, changes to our terms and conditions and to process payments (if relevant).

• Legitimate interests
To meet the legitimate aims of the club and ensure your child is well supported and safe whilst participating in gymnastics. This includes:

Carrying out any relevant risk assessments:
Some individuals may present with a medical condition that may be a risk of harm from participating in gymnastics. It is vital that you share any relevant medical information. We will ask for your agreement to undertake any appropriate assessments.

Identifying any reasonable adjustments and adaptations to support inclusion:
If you or your child has a disability or any special needs, we will review the information you have provided to help us identify any actions we can take to support inclusion. We may need to ask you for more information to help us in this process.

Responding to any comments, questions or complaints you may send us.

Maintaining class attendance records and contact details for emergency purposes.

Filming and taking photos for coaching purposes and/or to promote the club on our website, club social media account and in communications. All film and photos of children will only be published in line with our safeguarding policy.

You have the right to object to any of the above uses of your information by contacting us. Please note that in some cases, this may affect our ability to carry out the things we need to do for you to take part in gymnastics.

• Legal reasons
To comply with applicable laws and protect legitimate club interests and legal rights. This includes but is not limited to the use of your information relating to legal claims and compliance and regulatory activity.

• Marketing
With your consent, we may send you information by email, SMS or via social media about club news, activities, and opportunities that we think will be of interest to you. You can ask us to stop sending you this information at any point.
Why we share your information
We will not share your information with any other organisations except with your consent or in exceptional/emergency circumstances where we believe that the sharing of information about you is vital to protect you, your child or another person.
If you/your child want(s) to enter a competition provided by an external organisation, we will, with your agreement, share the information required to enter the event, usually name, DOB and gender. Most competitions are large events and there are likely to be photographers and people filming.
Individual rights
You have the right to see the personal information we hold about you. You can request a copy of the information we hold by speaking to your coach or writing to us.
If we do hold other information about you, you can ask us to delete it or correct any inaccuracies. We will either make the requested amendments or provide an explanation as to why we are not making changes.
If you leave the club, the information you have provided will be permanently delete after 12 months, unless you re-join the club within that period. Except where there is a legitimate and lawful reason to continue to hold your data.
Changes to the privacy notice
We keep our privacy notices under regular review.